Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
These lines by Martin Niemöller always make me pray that something bad happens with those bystanders who witness lynching in broad daylight, murder in the middle of the road and do nothing. That someday someone comes for them, they adjure for help, people hear them and yet no one responds. This should happen with each and every one of them, maybe including myself because as is famously remarked ‘watching a crime take place and doing nothing about is as heinous as the crime itself.’
Today, we are celebrating International Human Rights Day yet again, on the same day we have been celebrating since 1948 and nothing much has changed, has it? People are getting lynched in the middle of the road in the name of ‘Cow Vigilantism’ and ‘beef eating. Lovers are losing life in the name of ‘Love Jihad’ and we are losing humanity slowly but surely. Well, quite a way to celebrate Human Rights Day for the country which is into 72nd year of independence, which claims to be the future of the planet. India, where the issue of ‘Ram Mandir’ surpasses everything in terms of importance and becomes the center of politics instead of these fundamental human rights violation.
Despite adequate laws, constitutional safeguards, strong judiciary and a commission dealing with this issue specifically (NHRC) we are not able to achieve the goals of protection of human rights. Where are we lacking? Is it the government? Judiciary, the Cerberus of our rights? Well, I personally feel it’s us, the people who are failing this country, where such Human Rights violation are not only ignored but even endorsed by some openly. Where are we heading and what is the ultimate bedrock below which we cannot fall? Well, my imagination gets wilder and more abhorrent day by day.
People are getting slaughtered and no one really cares. These incidents are getting so common that they have ceased appealing to our inner conscience. I feel sorry for those people who instead of stopping such incidents filmed it. And then it runs on the news channels and we ‘humans’ watch it. Wait, not humans because take out humanity, what is left of a human? People are dying for what they eat, for what they believe in and loving without taking caste and religion as criteria. We are waiting for the government to do something about it but in my opinion, the government is as good as its people and frankly speaking we are as good as a trash can.
Human Rights as they say it are ‘inalienable’ and we have it by the virtue of taking birth as a human. No one gave it to us but nature itself. We created the state to protect these rights of ours, but it’s a pity that people are falling like dominoes with no end in sight. Human rights/ Fundamental rights are mere words if cannot be enforced and I am afraid that is exactly what they have become -mere words. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and I just pray that if anyone gets blown by this hurricane then that person is you who kept mum. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY
“You must strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all”
(Emphasis supplied)
So true Mr. Kaushik and well said about human rights we are living in the era where the issue regarding "padmavati" that is completely based on a fictional poem is more important than issues that are present in our society not as reel but as real ..
ReplyDeleteGreat work. Nice article.