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A Brief History Of Judiciary In India

Indian judiciary has evolved in various phases. There always has been a system for providing justice to people in the society. In the ancient times this duty was discharged by the King himself or either any competent persons appointed by the king for this specific purpose. The judicial persons were provided with adequate authority and power to punish the offender. The punishment was upon the discretion of the judge and there was no specific rules and mostly the punishment had no connection with the offense of the person. the punishments included lashing, cutting the limb, hanging till death and banishment from the society. After that came the Mughals with them came medieval period in Judiciary of India. The shadow of religion on judicial system was always present but it was in this phase that the Judiciary clearly became an element under religious control. It was this time that judiciary came under the control of  religious and spiritual leaders. The King of this era did n...