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How to Write Essays For Writing Competitions: I Don’t Know; Just sharing my thoughts

Writing an analytical legal essay is a formidable task. Even a thought about it evokes a flurry of questions- What should be the topic of the essay? What competition/journal/blog should  I write it for? Where to start? What should be the structure of the essay? Attempting to answer the perennial stream of such questions, I bring to you a guest post from a dear friend and a prolific writer, Lokesh Vyas. Sharing his last name with the author of the great Indian epic- Mahabharat, Lokesh is a regular contributor to IP blogs like SpicyIP and IPRMENTLAW. He has also won multiple prestigious essay competition including the inaugural edition of the Prof. Shamnad Basheer Essay Competition, and the ATRIP Essay Competition, 2023. Lokesh is currently pursuing his doctorate at Sciences Po, Paris .   How to Write Essays For Writing Competitions: I Don’t Know; Just sharing my thoughts Despite the lofty title of this post, which might hint that I'm some kind of sage (an “essay-sage” of sorts) or t