As the General Elections 2019 to Lok Sabha inch closer politics is becoming more intense, unscrupulous and shrewd which makes me question the entire process. Before you decipher this article, I would like to attach a preliminary note that in no way I’m opposing the noble systems of ‘government by the people’ and I too firmly believe that it is one of the greatest systems evolved by humans after applying all the intelligence that humanity could actually devote. But I for one feel that the parliamentary system has manifested all the defects that it carries with the swings of the pendulum and instead of taking a status quoits position we should take a reformative approach. We defend the ideas, system, and institutions mindlessly because that is what we have learned but we forget that they were made for the ‘welfare of the people’ and have become more of a burden than an instrument of welfare. The reason is that contemporarily in our country instead of general electi...