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Showing posts with the label demagogues

The Rise of Demagogues

[Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument (Oxford Dictionary) ] It is a popular cer titude that the ancient Greek city of Athens is the cradle of democracy. What is lesser known is the fact that Athens is also the birthplace of its first cousin,  demagoguery.  Albeit, democracy has run the show for the most part since their inception, the wave seems to be turning now. Democracy is failing. Fault lines have started to appear in most of the safe heavens of democracy like the United States, Brazil, India, Italy, Britain, and Germany. More and more people have started to despise the inefficient and unproductive process that democracy is and have started turning to tricksters as their last expedient. There is an exponential rise in the number of the extreme right or left-wing populist governments all over Europe, Asia, and South America. These governments under dema...