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Showing posts with the label Shayara Bano v. Union of India

Triple Talaq Bill: Pro Women Or Anti Muslim?

Well, the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017 a.k.a Instant Triple Talaq Bill which is a consequence of the Supreme Court judgment in Shayara Bano v. Union of India has been passed by the Lok Sabha with an overwhelming majority. Supreme Court, in that case, held that instant Triple Talaq ( Talaq-e-Biddat) is unconstitutional and manifestly arbitrary for women. Further, Justice Khehar in his minority opinion directed the government to legislate on the subject of triple talaq within six months. Government obediently pretending to be acting under the direction of Supreme Court (though direction was given in minority opinion) drafted this controversial bill which has been ambushed by many scholars, experts, and political parties. This article highlights the real and the alleged issues with the bill and also does a political and legal analysis of it (you cannot separate law from politics, can you?). The statement of objects and reasons of the bill states that...