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Showing posts from October, 2018

Does NaMo government satisfies the pre-requisites of ‘soot boot ki sarkar’ a.k.a. neo-liberalism?

Image Credit: India Today The weather is tense in the political sphere with general elections just months away, also as the momentum builds up the tension is anyway going to rise. In such times of crisis, when the government is facing allegations for wrongfully benefitting an industrialist in a defense deal, analyzing the policy of the government on merit is like pushing oneself towards the vortex of the hurricane as it always entails the danger of being labeled as ‘ bhakta’. But then, of course, such things can always be skirted away from by using sheer objectivity keeping out personal biases, or so any rational mind would believe. This article does not pass any value judgment on capitalism or socialism but highlights the inconsistency in the saying and doing of present government which promised ‘minimum government, maximum governance’, and has been awarded the title of ‘soot boot ki sarkar’. Though our country adopted the policy of ‘liberalization, privatization, and gl...