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Showing posts from May, 2018

Why the Archbishop should have left politics alone

The recent appeal of the Archbishop of Delhi, Mr. Anil Couto for a ‘secular nation’ has not been taken in good spirits by the nation at large and has sparked controversy being the subject matter of much debate. In a letter where Archbishop identifies the contemporary political atmosphere as ‘turbulent’, he has in a pious request asked people of all casts and creed to observe a day of fast and offer penance for the country. As soon as the content of the letter went public, the religious leader was under attack from all the corners by people who thought that the statement was unwarranted. It did not take much time for pseudo liberalists of our country to come to his defense with initially ‘not so rightist’ political parties backing his letter solely for political mileage.  In a day or two, a well reasoned defense from the intelligentsia of this country also saw the light of the day which advocated his right to freedom of speech and expression to make such statement which i...

Another Perspective; Justice K.M. Joseph

If someone makes a list of ‘most talked legal personalities of the country’ then I doubt that such a list would ever include the serving Chief Justices of any of the 24 High Courts (let alone small High Courts like Uttarakhand, Jharkhand or Chhattisgarh) but we right now have a beautiful exception to this general rule in the form of Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.M. Joseph who has become the contemporary baton of Independence of Judiciary. It is the general conception in the mind of people that the most brilliant legal minds always make to the apex court or rather, the most brilliant minds of legal profession are found only in the supreme court and we always forget Judges like A.P. Shah and M.C. Chagla but one name that we will not be forgotten for quite some time is that of K.M. Joseph. The most recent development in the matter is the reiteration of the name of Mr. Joseph by the Collegium for elevation to the Supreme Court is a welcome step to many but my paranoid mind says that ther...